1 Simulated Armed Robbery
Stage 1
Watch the following video carefully. You will then be asked a series of questions.
The following video contains a warning and explicit language. Please ensure you read this before
continuing to watch the video.
Having watched the video please complete the activities in stages 2 & 3 by answering the questions about the way the victims behaved during the raid (safe and unsafe behaviour) and then check your memory for any evidence you may have gathered.
Also try to imagine what your likely emotional response would have been as a victim in a real life situation because we will be focussing on that potentially dangerous element later in the programme.
Stage 2: Activity
Click Start Now.
Then, once you have completed the task, move onto the next one.
Stage 3: Activity
Click Start Now.
Then, once you have completed the task, go back and rewatch the robbery video to see the answers. Then come back to listen to the audio.
Now watch the video again to check your answers and examine your emotional thoughts.
& Disguises
These are common emotions victims experience during a raid so please look at the list and think about them and how dangerous it could be for you and others if you allow any to take hold. Shortly we will deal with techniques that may help to keep emotion under control.
· Fear
· Panic
· Upset
· Disbelief
· Anger
· Confusion
· Calmness
· Self-Control
· Curiosity
· Helplessness
Common Emotions
The Happy Robber
Please move onto the next activity.
Stage 4: Activity
Click Start Now.
Then, once you have completed the task, move onto the next section of training.
There are in fact very few things you need to remember to do during an attack. These can be summarised in the mnemonic SAFE.
Using a mnemonic helps us to transfer the information into our memory. It is also a useful reminder of your key role during a robbery – to stay safe
Staying Safe During an Attack
3 Staying Calm
4 Assessing the Situation
Making a safe decision
5 Calling the Police
6 Safe Communication
7 Evidence
Any evidence you gather is simply a bonus because your priority is to stay safe!
There is no need to look to get a description because you have CCTV but listen to words and any accent also smells of tobacco or aftershave because these are not recorded.
Try to focus on something specific it will help to convert a negative (victim) into a positive…Quality not Quantity.